And here's one which has been hung in Rachel's room! I think the hinges are great, all down to ball bearings apparently.

And we have an almost finished garage.

Another not very exciting photo but it charts our progress - sockets have been done and most of our downlights are in as well.

Outside, most of the raised beds have been plastered and several big piles of pavers are waiting to be put down.
I went down to Randalstown on Tuesday and ordered the tiles and today I picked the door handles. I need to get the wooden floor nailed down (ha ha!)
As far as the near future is concerned, the upstairs tiling will be started on Monday. The kitchen is delivered on Tuesday and will be installed on Wed - Fri. So in a week and a half from now, we will have an almost habitable house. It is really starting to come together and everything I have thought about for hours and planned in detail for months will become a reality.
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