Monday, 20 September 2010

Chim Chiminee

It would be fair to say that we didn't leave too much of the original house in place when we started to extend. So it came as a surprise to find that one of the few remaining parts of the original house was going to cause us some grief.

It seems that the original chimney stack has no lead tray in place - whatever that is. Actually, I do know what a "lead tray" is now after having asked enough questions. It has something to do with stopping water getting into the house. That's all I need to know. Well. That and the fact that it would be a good thing to take the chimney stack down a notch or two, whack in a "lead tray" and rebuild the stack. Which costs money. And that's the bit that really interests me.

When I visited the site today, there wasn't much activity going on. In fact, I felt quite alone until the nice man from Building Control turned up to take a "look-see". He seemed very pleased with progress and stated that we were in good hands with our builders - W&R Moore. So that was good news, eh?

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